Here is a link to the ADFG website for license costs:


Here is a breakdown of the most common licenses and stamps that our clients buy:

1-day Non Resident fishing license: $25

1-day Non Resident King Salmon Stamp: $15

3-day Non Resident fishing license: $45

3-day Non Resident King Salmon Stamp: $30

7-day Non Resident fishing license: $70

7-day Non Resident King Salmon stamp: $45


2017 Bookings

January 17, 2017

Every year we seem to get booked up quicker than the year before and this year is no exception. If you are considering a fishing trip in 2017 please call or email so we can try to find a time that works. Here are a couple of photos from last summer to get you excited about coming up:

ketchikan salmon fishing charters A great day salmon fishing in mid-summer 2016


salmon and halibut fishing Alaska A nice group of Salmon and Halibut


ketchikan salmon fishing Some nice Pink Salmon from mid-summer 2016


ketchikan salmon fishing A great day fishing in July





January 17, 2017

SeaSport Catamaran - Halibut fishing Ko’olina running out for a Halibut trip in July


Our new boat has been all over the Pacific Northwest since it was built in the year 2000. From what I understand, it was originally sold to someone in Hawaii as a charter boat over there. The next owner bought it and had it shipped to Sitka Alaska (just 185 miles North of Ketchikan) where it lived for several years. The next owner was the man i bought it from who shipped it down to Anacortes Washington and brought it to Alaska on several occasions for fishing trips.


She is currently powered with 260 HP Volvo Diesels running ZF gears to straight shafts. Although she is not as fast as Miss Parker, she is steady and smooth even in rough water. I was amazed many times during the 2016 season at how well this boat runs when the waves start to pick up. Whether it is flat calm or 3-4 footers, you can run the same speed and not notice much of a difference.


ketchikan crab fishing Salmon Halibut Enjoying some crab on an all-day charter


Our cabin has many of the amenities that our other boats were lacking. We have enough seating for 10 people without feeling like your in each others way. The head (bathroom) is spacious and comfortable (unlike most of the boats I have owned). We have a propane stove where we have cooked fresh fish on several occasions and a fridge to keep the drinks and food cold. One of the highlights for many people this summer was going up on the fly-bridge where you can watch friends and family catching fish and also look around at the amazing scenery.

ketchikan halibut fishing Halibut fishing as seen from above while rafted to another boat.



New Boat for 2016

January 17, 2017

We made some big changes in 2016, most notably was buying another charter boat. The KO’OLINA is a 32 foot Sea Sport Catamaran that we purchased in Anacortes Washington and had shipped up to Ketchikan in May. She is 13 feet wide which makes for an incredibly comfortable and spacious fishing platform.

Koolina in its slip in Anacortes


The Ko’olina has proven to be a very fishy boat, here are a few fish pictures from the 2016 season:

ketchikan salmon fishing Coho A nice group of late-season Cohos


ketchikan salmon fishing King Salmon The first salmon trip of the year we scored this nice King!


ketchikan salmon fishing A great day fishing in July


ketchikan halibut fishing Halibut A nice late-season Halibut


End of July Opening

April 12, 2015

Thank you to everyone for supporting us with booking for the 2015 season! We have a prime spot still open for a group of all-days if anyone is interested:

July 28th – August 1st

This should be a fantastic time for Silvers, Kings and Halibut if anyone is looking for some longer trips.



End of March Trip

April 12, 2015

We took advantage of some perfect calm sunny weather to sneak out and do a little fishing today and it was awesome! Captain Moore and I trolled for a couple of hours and ended up with this dandy little halibut, a smaller legal King Salmon and we lost another much larger King Salmon (I dont know how big but it was definitely a larger fish than the one i caught). Overall it was a fantastic day, we got some much needed sun-time and managed to burn through a pack of herring (always a good day in the winter when you can use 12 herring). Nice little Halibut we found while trolling Always good to see this on your deck Nice legal March King Salmon


Herring Fishing

March 26, 2015

I took the kids out to the dock and we caught a bunch of small herring the other night – what a blast! The kids loved it! They were pulling them in 3, 4 and 5 at a time on the sabiki rig and just grinning from ear to ear.

We ended up with a nice bucket of bait herring for this summer and more importantly the kids had lots of fun, thats what its all about. My sons catching herring off the dock The kids bucket of herring


March Fishing Fun

March 26, 2015

We had a absolutely perfect day (glassy flat calm, sunny and 55 degrees) so captain Clayton and I snuck out in my boat to go fishing/scouting for Mtn Goats. We were having a blast but not seeing much in the way of fish or bait even on the sonar. I saw one fish mark at about 70 ft, Clayton adjusted his downrigger and a few moments later we found this beauty! Talk about being excited! It was like we don’t do this every day for half the year – we were giddy. A fantastic March King Salmon:

Ketchikan King Salmon fishing Winter King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan Captain Moore’s March King Salmon


We have been out 4 times (half days) in the last few weeks and it is definitely not great fishing for Kings at this time of year. We had 2 trips with no Kings and 2 trips with 1 keeper each (we were super excited to see them both!).  We have found a few halibut and a bunch of different rock-fish and other bottom dwellers while trolling for Kings (one day we got completely inundated with Kelp Greenling everywhere we went). At this point in the year we are really looking forward to the summer Kings returning to spawn so we can start having some more consistent fishing trips. Here are a few picture highlights:

Ketchikan Winter King Salmon My little 28 inch King from late February Kelp Greenling - the new Sportfish! These guys overwhelmed us on one of our fishing trips, we would catch them anytime our bait was close to bottom.



Captain Clayton and I were able to get out for a few hours last Sunday and try to troll up a King Salmon. We fished for about 4 hours and ended up catching 2 Kings (both short and had to be released) 1 halibut and 1 Ling Cod (both out of season and had to be released)! It was super fun to catch them all  and nothing beats getting out on the water on a sunny day in January!

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Fighting a small King in January Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Clayton fighting a small King in January Ketchikan Halibut Had to release this guy as it was out of season Ling Cod in Ketchikan Alaska This feisty little Ling Cod was really fun to see so close to town, he was released back to the deep


I have been spending alot of time out fishing for Winter Kings this year with some mild success. It seems like most of the time when I invite someone to go with me they end up catching a King which is awesome but for some reason all I can catch are these stinking halibut (bad problem right?!).

Here is the bigger one that I caught recently:


ketchikan halibut king salmon fishing Ketchikan accidental Halibut



Christmas Eve King Salmon

December 31, 2014

My brother-in-law Jay the MacDaddy Johnson and I were able to go out for a few hours on Christmas Eve and troll a Herring around in the water. We were mainly interested in hanging out and drinking a beer but we were both very excited when this bad-boy hit about 45 minutes into our fishing trip. Jay laid the smack down and fought the monster up to the boat in no time!


Jay MacDaddy Johnson! Winter King Salmon fishing Ketchikan Alaska


Ian and I were able to sneak out with our friend Ken and fish the best window of time (an hour on either side of high tide) for King Salmon and we scored again! This guy hit just after tide change, we were dragging a whole herring behind an Abe-N-Al flasher at 100 feet deep on the downrigger in about 100 feet of water. As far as i know it was the only King Salmon bite we had all day and we were super excited to see him!

Winter King Salmon Winter King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan Alaska


Winter King Salmon 2014

November 24, 2014

We have been out playing on the water trying to find Winter Kings quite a bit recently with some success. Here are the results of 4 fishing trips, approximately 12 hours of fishing time:

1 legal King to the boat (over 28 inches)

4 large shaker Kings to the boat (25-27 inches but just not quite big enough)

10+ small shaker Kings released

Here is the 1 legal fish we caught, I had my son Ian come pose with me for the photo:

King Salmon success! Winter King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan Alaska


If you look at the numbers it probably makes no since to go out in the freezing cold weather and try to catch these fish but we do it because we love it and it is sooooooo much fun when you connect with a winter chromer. Most of our action each day was within a 30-45 minute window around tide change and one day we tried a spot that was somewhat of an unknown and we didn’t catch anything for the entire 5 hours we were out.



2014 Season Summary

November 10, 2014

2014 was a REALLY good fishing season for us. We had a record King Salmon run this year (thank you Oregon, Washington and British Columbia for letting us catch a bunch of your King Salmon before they could get back to you) where we were able to keep targeting King Salmon all the way through June, July and August. We caught lots of beautiful King Salmon and on one charter we hooked, fought and lost a King that will haunt me for many many years. I was able to see him at the side of the boat 3 different times and he was a beautiful monster. Oh well, maybe next time. (note to all of you fishermen that come up here after big King Salmon: do NOT try to lift a big fish out of the water so I can net it, something is going to give!)

Our halibut season was consistent and as usual we were able to catch fish for almost every client. Unlike some years, we didn’t catch any really big halibut this summer. The biggest charter halibut we pulled up to the boat was probably in the 70-80 pound range. Like always, we try to keep halibut in the 15-30 pound range for our clients as these are best eaters and are very plentiful.

Coho fishing was really good this year from the 1st week of July all the way to the end of September. We had brief windows where they would seem to disappear which required us to put more miles on the boat trying to find them. Several groups this summer came during the in-between times where we had to fish alot of different spots to try to find the Silvers. Although these days can be discouraging, its just part of fishing and some days you have to work for it. Thank you for being understanding during the moments when we are doing more fishing than catching!

Pink fishing was good like it is most summers here: you can usually catch about as many Pinks as you want to. We had trips where we limited very quickly as some Pink trips where we just caught them consistently for 4 hours and ended up with a full box at the end of the trip. If your looking for almost non-stop action then Pink fishing in July and August might be the thing for you.

One of my favorite trips this summer was an all-day trip down to the Pinnacle (about 30 miles from town) with some of my favorite Texans. We were using a lure that was especially good this summer (chrome/UV apex) and catching beautiful silvers whenever we let it down from 20-50ft. The bonus that day was whenever we let it down from 60-90 ft we were catching big beautiful King Salmon which really made for an exciting trip and some wonderful salmon fillets for the Texans to take home to the 2nd largest state in the US 🙂

Texans vs. AK 2014 pinnacle trip Texans vs. AK 2014 pinnacle trip



Ketchikan Salmon Fishing 2015

November 10, 2014

2015 is already shaping up to be a busy season for us, so if you are interested in getting out for some salmon fishing then you need to get your time blocked off. We are hoping for another year with King Salmon like we had last season where we caught them for most of the summer. Whether you are coming on a cruise ship to Ketchikan or flying in for a week of serious fishing, now is the time to get your plans put together before you miss your chance.




2014 Winter Fishing

March 13, 2014

We’ve had a great time trying to catch Kings, Halibut and Crab this off-season. Here are some of the highlights in photos:

Ketchikan King Salmon Fishing This awesome winter King was caught in February, just outside of Ketchikan


Ketchikan King Salmon Fishing Unfortunately, most of the winter Kings I have caught have been too small (like this one) and we had to release them back to the wild.


Ketchikan King Salmon Fishing My son Ian with his very own winter King (this was released shortly after the photo op)


Ketchikan Halibut Fishing Captain Clayton couldn’t remember that we were fishing for King Salmon this day


Ketchikan Halibut Fishing Or this day……. We had mild success attempting to catch Tanner crabs this winter A nice Tanner crab and a nice Dungeness!


ketchikan salmon fishing You have to love to fish to go out in the winter here, we had to break the ice to get out of the harbor this morning


Were looking forward to another great season this summer catching halibut, salmon and crabs in Ketchikan!


Well… can really tell when the season started to get so busy that we began to neglect the website updates. Here is a summary of the whole season with a few picture highlites:

May: Slow as expected, we had 2 good days and several really slow days. May 14th was an unusually good day for that time of year where we got really lucky and found a couple nice kings. This was the biggest one:

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing A beautiful King caught on May 14th in Ketchikan

June: King Salmon fishing was just plain WEIRD in 2012. We expect it to be slow until sometime in June when they all show up and then to have a couple weeks of really good fishing; Thats how it’s supposed to work. This year, however, it was different. We had a great day followed by a couple slow days, then another great day followed my more slow fishing, it was really frustrating. Our best day of the King Salmon season we hit 3 fish on the morning trip and 5 more on the afternoon trip. Here is the picture from the end of the day:

8 King Day in June 8 King Day In June

We had several kids that caught beautiful King Salmon this season, here are two of the really memorable ones for me:

Ketchikan King Salmon A very happy fishermen with a beautiful King Salmon

This young lady caught this right after I got done telling her that we probably wouldn’t catch any King Salmon as it was a little bit too late in the year (shows what I know!):

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing This young lady reeled in this beautiful king salmon all by herself, she did a fabulous job!


July and August: We were happy to have a very healthy Pink Salmon run this year that made for many happy fishermen and lots of dead fish. Although we had a couple of slower days, it was a rare exception and most passengers during this time frame caught about as many fish as they hoped for. The silvers were spotty on most of our 4 hour trips as they didn’t come within range of our shorter trips until well into September. On our 6 and 8 hour trips we were able to get out to the halibut grounds and find the silvers as well most days. Here are a few pictures of this time frame:

Ketchikan Halibut Fishing A happy fishermen with a beautiful slot-limit halibut Ketchikan Salmon and Halibut Fishing Lots of fun catching halibut and salmon in Mid-August. Ketchikan Halibut and Salmon Fishing A great day halibut fishing with some bonus salmon as well! Ketchikan Halibut fishing One of the numerous triple digit halibut we caught this summer and had to throw back due to the slot limit restrictions. Ketchikan bottom fishing One of the many species of Rockfish that we catch in Ketchikan (they are very tasty!)




FINALLY!!!! We have been waiting (not so patiently) for the King Salmon to start showing up with more numbers and today was the first day that I have seen it. We’ve caught a few here and there up until now, but today was a fabulous fishing day and it was a big relief to catch a few.

On the morning trip today we caught 2 nice kings (in the 15-20 pound range) and saw several other caught including the boat in front of us hooking up 3 at once and getting all of them in the boat! (way to go Clay!)

On the afternoon trip today we went back over to where the fish were this morning and although it started a little slow (with one small King salmon in the first hour or so), it really picked up as we got closer to high tide. We hit a double on beautiful twin 19 pound Kings and then a little later hit a triple (with 3 people, all 3 rods had big kings on at the same time) and were fortunate enough to get then all in the boat. We ended up with 8 Kings total in the 2 trips and it was just a really fun day. Here is a end of the day results photo:

Ketchikan King Salmon Fishing

8 Beautiful King Salmon


June 5th Halibut

June 8, 2012

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day today and so we went just a little further in search of halibut than we normally go. The guests were troopers and fished hard for the whole 6 hour trip and they caught all kinds of interesting sea-creatures both big and small! Here is a list of what they caught:

-2 Pacific Cod, 2 Rock-Fish, 2 Big halibut that had to be realeased (one 60 inches and one 63 inches), 2 small halibut that went in the ice-box, a very large Skate (like a sting ray kind of), a plethora of Turbot and to top it all off, 2 cephalopods (octopus) one that was about 5 feet long and one that was about 3 feet long.

It was a really fun trip, the girls hooked the big halibut and the boys hooked the small ones (as usual) and we just had a great time.

Ketchikan Halibut Fishing

3 foot Octopus!!!

Ketchikan Halibut Fishing

Fighting a 110 lbs. Halibut!


Today we fished HARD for 4 hours without a single bite! It was even more frustrating because due to our extreme tides lately, we had all kinds of seaweed and kelp in the water and I was clearing the lines almost non-stop for the whole trip. Just as a lesson to anyone who is coming here to King Salmon fish: we fished for 4 hours without a bite and everyone lost interest and quit watching the rods. As I started the main engine to warm up before we left, I heard a noise and when I turned around, one of the rods was bent over with line screaming off of it. We were super LUCKY and it didn’t get escape before we managed to get to the rod and the boys tag-teamed it in to the boat. It ended up being just shy of 30 pounds and was a really nice high note at the end of a hard trip. The lesson is, that its not over until its over!

Beautiful June King Salmon

A Beautiful and Lucky Fish!


May 26th Haibut

June 8, 2012

Today we fished halibut out of Ketchikan with a group of 2 and had a absolute blast! We got set on our anchor just perfect and from the time we started fishing the action was almost non-stop with Rock-fish, Pacific Cod, Turbot, a Red Snapper, and multiple halibut until we found the ones we wanted. It was a real relief as the captain to have a day where we didn’t have to work very hard to find them, we just got lucky and stopped right on top of a pile of fish. I hope this is a sign of things to come this summer!

Halibut fishing in Ketchikan

Halibut Fishing in Ketchikan!


King Salmon Derby Pics

June 4, 2012

My hot wife

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing with Captain Jim

My wife and I with her 23 lb. King Salmon


Ketchikan Salmon Fishing

Family Fun Time




This year my family and I have been fishing the derby as much as we can with varying levels of success. Just to help people see what King Salmon fishing can be like here I wanted to give a quick rundown of how many hours we have fished each day and how many fish we have caught.

Night 1: Fished for 4 hours – Caught 0 fish

Day 2: Fished for 10 hours – Caught 1 fish (17 pounds)

Day 3: Fished for 12 hours – Caught 0 fish

Day 4: Fished for 8 hours – Caught 3 Kings/Lost 2 more (10 pounds, 15 pounds, 22 pounds)

Day 5: Fished for 4 hours – Caught 2 Kings/Lost 3 more (12 pounds, 24 pounds)

As you can see, there is very little rhyme or reason to how many hours you must fish to catch a King, sometimes you work hard all day and do everything correct and just dont find them. Some days you drop your bait in the water right in front of them and cant seem to do anything wrong – THATS FISHING!!!! Just because your fishing in Alaska doesn’t mean that its not fishing anymore, some days are GREAT and some days STINK!!! All you can do is keep trying.


Today we had alot of fun with a group of Southerners and even managed to find some fish. They were close, but in the end Kyle’s was just a little bigger than Morgans! I hope that today was a sign of things to come and the fish will continue to show up in greater and greater numbers.

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing

2 May King Salmon


May 21st King Salmon

May 23, 2012

Today we fished for Kings and tried a different spot that usual (mostly out of desperation that the normal places have been so bad) which paid off nicely. We were extremely fortunate and landed 1 legal King (27 pounds) and brought 3 other Kings to the boat that were just barely too small (between 25 and 27 inches). It was a beautiful day on the water and I feel lucky more than anything else to have stumbled across those fish at this time of the season. Here is a picture of the big one:

A beautiful May King



May 20th Halibut Trip

May 23, 2012

Today I took out a absolutely fantastic family group and we just had a great time fishing and having fun on the boat. The halibut eluded us (despite our best efforts and hard work) and at the end of the day I think all we brought to the boat were about a half dozen flounders and 1 truly incredible Sculpin. See guys, I told you this picture would make the webpage!

Ketchikan Sculpin Fishing!

The Best Scuplin Fishermen in Alaska!



We had a really fun time taking the Hollanders out today, and even though the fishing was great – the catching was terrible! The Kings just aren’t showing up in many numbers yet (this isn’t a terrible surprise for May, but we always are hopeful). We had a nice day on the water and enjoyed watching all the wildlife that Ketchikan offers.


May 13th Halibut Trip

May 23, 2012

We fished with a great group of guys today for halibut and even though it is still s bit early for the really good Halibut fishing that Ketchikan has a reputation for, we were able to catch one nice But and a whole box full of tasty Pacific Cod. One gentlemen on the boat caught the first 3 fish of his life today, it was really alot of fun and a absolutely beautiful day to boot.



May 4th BDay Trip!

May 23, 2012

My friend Clayton and I did our annual May 4th fishing trip and had a great time. We were fortunate enough to find 1 King Salmon and almost had another one. We moved onto bottom fishing and in the afternoon and landed 1 halibut along with a handful of Pacific Cod (really good eating by the way). Its still a little too early for great salmon or halibut fishing so we were very happy with our catch and are looking forward to doing it again next year!


Boat Upgrades

April 20, 2012

We’ve been really hard at work lately getting the boats ready for the 2012 season which will be starting in about 2 weeks! Miss Parker has new front windows, new windshield wiper systems, a new stereo and new deck paint to name a few of the upgrades. She will be going in the water this weekend and our “Test Fishing” should happen next week!

In our continuing quest to keep the best new gear on the boats, we just completed a big order with Shimano where we have brand new rods and reels on both boats. For salmon fishing we are staying with the Tekota 600’s which have proven to be one of the best saltwater level-wind reels that we have ever used. We got two different salmon rods for 2012, a set of Shimano Talora trolling rods and a set of Shimano Clarus Salmon rods. Depending on the application, these rods are incredible and can do just about anything (they have even been known to land a Halibut, even though thats not what they are for).

For halibut fishing we have some beautiful new Tekota 700’s that we have paired with the Shimano Trevala jigging rods. These rods are short and powerful with great action that make them just killer for halibut fishing.

The outlaw is currently getting a full tune up, new deck paint and a beuatiful detailing job to make sure she is in tip-top shape for fishing.



Ketchikan Halibut Fishing

March 14, 2012

Just wanted to let everyone know that our other site is up and running. We are trying to answer some of the demand for Ketchikan halibut charters by creating this other site and putting some focus on that aspect of fishing here. We are really lucky in Ketchikan that we have such great salmon and halibut fishing close to town and we want to take full advantage of it. Please check out the new site when you have time.


2012 Ketchikan Fishing Season

February 27, 2012

It is shaping up to be quite the year, we are up on our bookings and the fish forecasts are strong! I expect that we will have an even better year for King Salmon than last year and I am anticipating some terrific halibut fishing. If you are considering coming up this year to try your luck, you need to call sooner than later to reserve your spot. 2012 Ketchikan fishing is going to be great!



This years King Salmon derby will begin on May 26th through the 28th, and then continue on June 2nd and 3rd with the final weekend being June 9th and 10th. We have really enjoyed fishing the derby the last couple of years and look forward to putting in some hours trying to find the “Big-One” again this year. If any of our charter clients are interested in fishing the derby then please mention it in an email or give us a call so we can work out the details!



Were going to be making a few changes around here to the way the site looks and operates, if you find some mistakes or pages that don’t work quite right, please just check back again later.


Captain Jim


Old Posts

January 25, 2012

January 23rd 2012: According to the Ketchikan Daily News, it looks like the 2012 charter halibut regulations are going to be a reverse slot limit where a guided angler can keep 1 halibut a day up to 45 inches or over 68 inches. Although this is still not our ideal situation, it is definitely better than last years regulations so we are thankful for that.

January 20th 2012: We are happy to announce the addition of the Outlaw to our charter business in Ketchikan. This is a 36 foot aluminum charter boat that can accommodate some of the larger groups in comfort that we have had to turn away in the past. 2012 is going to be a really good fishing year, were expecting a large run of King Salmon and the halibut fishing is always great.

January 9th 2012: Just got back from a 2 week Oregon vacation where we saw the mysterious glowing orb in the sky (I believe its called the “Sun”). We returned to classic Ketchikan winter weather conditions including rain, sleet, wind and the forecast of snow. We wont be doing in Halibut or Salmon fishing for a couple months.

December 13th 2011: Rain, snow and lots of cold! We are dreaming of big King Salmon, monster Halibut and sunny weather!!!!

November 15 2011: Were getting ready to pull the boat out of the water for the winter in the next few days and put it under shrink wrap to protect it. I tried winter King Salmon fishing the other day and although it was fun, it was very cold and a bit rough. We didn’t catch any Kings, just a few incidental rock-fish when we trolled too close to the bottom. We will continue chasing them another day!

Mid August Sometime:My son Reuben caught this Silver all by himself, it was awesome!

Ketchikan Salmon FishingMy Son Reuben with his Silver


September 25th 2011: The Metler group came in on the ferry and fished with me for the morning, it was really fun getting into the Silvers with them! Everyone caught fish and everyone had a good time.

Ketchikan Salmon FishingMetler’s Fall Silvers
Ketchikan Salmon FishingOne big fall Coho 2011

September 11th-12th 2011: The fall silvers are in with good numbers and you we have been averaging between 8 and 12 in a 4 hour trip. The Ingraham’s from Texas fished with me for a couple of days and were not only excellent fishermen but alot of fun to have on the boat. They caught some beautiful silvers while they were visiting:

Ketchikan Silver Salmon FishingIngrahams Fall Silvers 2011

August 26th 2011: The Nitsch group joined me off of the Statendam to try for Silvers and were a real kick-in-the-pants to have aboard. They both caught fish, but as everyone knows, Women usually catch more!

Ketchikan Salmon FishingNitsch’s fall Ketchikan Silvers

August 10th and 11th 2011: Uncle Erwin from Oregon joined us for some excellent Ketchikan fishing! We were fortunate enough to get into a big group of feeding chums/silvers and then we even stumbled across some hungry halibut!

Ketchikan Salmon FishingErwin’s August Silvers and Butt
Ketchikan salmon fishingErwins Halibut

July 18th 2011: For the 2nd year in a row I was able to spend a couple of weeks at a remote fishing lodge providing charters for them, this was one of the happy groups:

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing2011 Lodge Group

July 11th – 14th 2011: My group of Texans (well 1/2 were Texans anyway) came and fished with me for several days and we had LOTS of fun! We caught some nice fish and enjoyed the most beautiful weather Ketchikan has to offer (sunny and in the 70?s most days).

Ketchikan Salmon FishingCJH and Family

July 10th 2011: I was able to take some of our family from Oregon out fishing and Toby caught his first King Salmon ever! Not bad considering he got off the airplane and was fishing within about an hour!

Ketchikan Salmon FishingToby’s first Ketchikan King Salmon

June 24th: Pastor John caught this beauty just before dark in our Herring Cove fishery, it was really exciting!

Ketchikan King salmon fishingPastor John’s King Salmon!

June 25th 2011: Calvin had a good day with us King salmon fishing in June!

Ketchikan Salmon FishingCalvin’s Ketchikan King Salmon

 June 28th 2011: Today I fished with Mathew and Jeff and we had a great trip catching King’s. We landed a couple of Kings and everyone had a great time.

Ketchikan Salmon FishingMine is Bigger than Gramps!


10-9-11 Update: After this last post below in July, our season didn’t stop, it just became so hectic that I wasn’t able to continue updating the site frequently. I will attempt to put up some pictures and information from the trips I can remember and my deepest apologies to the groups that I forget or leave out. Suffice it to say that 2011 was an excellent year where I caught more fish and had more groups than I had hoped for. Thanks to everyone who came to Ketchikan and chose to fish with us!


July 5th Nite Bite: We have had an impressive number of salmon show up right in front of downtown Ketchikan the last few nights and have had lots of fun catching both Kings and Silvers! Tonight my friend Rod and his companions came out with me and we had a really fun couple of hours with several Kings and a handful of Cohos. This is what Ketchikan salmon fishing is all about! Here is the big one Rod caught:

ketchikansalmonfishing.comRod’s awesome July King Salmon


July 4th A.M. : The halibut fishing has really picked up here finally, we caught 5 legal slot-limit halibut today (under 37 inches) and 1 large halibut that we had to release (over a hundred pounds). The guests had a great time and it was really nice to see the Ketchikan halibut fishing getting better.

July 3rd P.M.: I took my niece, nephew and brother-in-law out this evening for a quick nite-bite by the cruise ship docks and was extremely happy to get into some great King Salmon and Silver fishing! We caught two nice Kings and 4 good silvers in about an hour, it was awesome! If only salmon fishing was always this easy. Here is my niece and then my brother in law.

ketchikansalmonfishing.comElizabeth’s King Salmon!
Ketchikan Salmon FishingMy Nephews Silver!
ketchikansalmonfishing.comDanny’s Ketchikan King Salmon

June 28th – July 2nd: The Kings have thinned out substantially now, we are still picking up 1 or 2 a day but they are no longer our primary target. The Pink Salmon began to show up and our early run of 5 pound Coho’s are here for now (there is no telling for how long, they usually stay around for a week or two then disappear again). This is one of the rare time frames during the summer fishing season near Ketchikan where you just have no idea what kind of salmon is going to bite next.

June 27th: The Glenn’s and Kuckelburg’s joined me this morning for a beautiful sunshine filled day salmon fishing in Ketchikan. We had a fabulous trip landing 3 Kings and 4 Pinks (yes the pinks have finally arrived!) and everyone had a good time. We are drawing near the end of the King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan and will soon be inundated with Pink Salmon everywhere you look. I expect an excellent summer of Pink salmon fishing and hopefully the Silvers will arrive sooner than later also (so far I have only caught 1 on charter).

ketchikansalmonfishing.comJune King and Pink Salmon

June 26th: The Watson’s joined me this morning from southern California and although we fished and fished and fished we only found one little silver for our almost 5 hours of effort. Unfortunately that’s the way it goes sometimes and the Californians were awesome about having fun anyway and keeping a good attitude!

June 25th PM: Corrie and Ani (a couple of locals) wanted to catch a King so we slipped out this evening for the Nite-Bite and although they both had a fish on, we only got one to the boat. Corrie hooked this King in Herring Cove on a whole herring in about 40 feet of water!

ketchikansalmonfishing.comCorrie’s Ketchikan King Salmon

June 25th: This morning Izi and Calvin joined me for some really fun King Salmon fishing in Herring Cove. We got 3 fish in the boat and had a really pleasant morning on the water. Here is one of their fish:

ketchikansalmonfishing.comKetchikan King Salmon

June 24th PM: This evening I took a group of locals out for the King Salmon nite bite and we had a fabulous night! We ended up with 5 King Salmon in the boat and lost a couple of others that were fought and then lost. Overall we had a great evening and enjoyed seeing a black-bear on the beach eating grass.

ketchikansalmonfishing.comKetchikan King Salmon Fishing

June 24th: Today Brendan and Brian joined me for a very fun day fishing and they had a gentleman’s bet going for who would catch the 1st fish, the biggest fish and the most fish. Unfortunately for Brendan, Brian caught this beauty and won all 3 categories! It was a pretty slow morning fishing and we glad to see this King Salmon.

ketchikansalmonfishing.comBrian’s King Salmon 2011

June 20th: Fished with the Scott’s today and we had a great morning! We hit a 24 pound King right out of the shoot and then were fortunate enough to score 3 more! Overall it was an excellent morning and we lucky enough to find a group of Kings in an area where we were the only boat so we didn’t have any competition. If only every day Salmon Fishing in Ketchikan was this easy! June King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan

June 16th: Today I had the Wood group from Wyoming and we had lots of fun along with some epic fishing. We fished the afternoon and ended up with 2 legal halibut, a limit of Dungeness Crab and then finished off the night with 7 nice King Salmon. It was definitely Ketchikan Fishing at its finest and the Woods were able to fish until they were tired!

ketchikansalmonfishing.comThe Wood’s with some Ketchikan Halibut and King Salmon

June 15th: Mike and Grace from Georgia fished with us today and although it wasn’t hot and heavy, we did get this nice fish and had another good one on.

ketchikansalmonfishing.comGrace’s Ketchikan King Salmon

June 13th and 14th 2011: I cant remember exactly when we caught it, but at some point while fishing with Jim and David we came across a truly unique and beautiful (in its own rite) King Salmon. This fish was so special that I decided it needed its own entry and a place of honor among the fish caught in 2o11. We caught many King salmon this year and most were bigger than this one, but none were more special.

Ketchikan Salmon fishingKetchikan’s Ugly King Salmon
Its a little funny looking Ketchikan’s Ugly King Salmon

June 14th: These guys make it look easy now! David had the biggest king of the 3 day trip tonight with a whopper weighing in at 29.7 pounds. Overall we had a very good trip with lots of hook-ups and some good fights out of our Ketchikan King Salmon.

ketchikan king salmon fishingDave and Jim – June King Salmon!

June 13th: We got our revenge!

Ketchikan King Salmon FishingDavid and Jim’s King Salmon Revenge

June 12th Evening: Jim and David (from Washington) and I went out for the evening bite and it was more of the same slow fishing we’ve had all day today. We managed to get one king hooked up, but in an epic run of about a hundred and fifty feet, he managed to spit the hooks. Were going again and were going to get our revenge for that fish!

June 12th Day: We fished really hard today but unfortunately, it just wasn’t happening. We had fishermen off the Radiance of the Seas cruise ship and even though we did everything correct during the day, we didn’t hook up or even have a bite. There are rumors of Killer Whales being here early this morning (which usually means fishing will stink after that) but you never really know. This was the last day of the Ketchikan King Salmon Derby so we were fishing among what felt like a hundred other boats and I only saw a handful of fish caught all day!

June 11th: Today we had fished with Ryan and Melanie from California and boy did we put in our time! We fished the morning hard and never saw a bite! Since they were staying in town we decided to eat lunch in town and then try again this evening in hopes for the Night Bite turning on. It took some time, but finally we figured out where the fish were and what they were biting on and ended up boating 5 nice Kings (in the terminal fishery area where the limit is 6 per person). They were happy and so was I after such a slow day today!

King Salmon Fishing KetchikanCalifornians with Ketchikan Kings

June 10th 2011: Cindi from Montana and I went out on a afternoon King Salmon fishing trip and had a great time! We saw lots of eagles, Killer Whales and we even managed to find a couple of beautiful King Salmon. It took us a while to get on them, but at the end of the half-day salmon fishing charter we had 2 Kings in the boat: 22 and 25 pounds! Cindi had a great time and so did I.

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing ChartersCindi with a nice Ketchikan King Salmon

June 5th 2011: Fishing was extremely slow today for some reason, we put in our time and did everything right but just weren’t able to connect with a fish for some reason. The Fern’s this afternoon came off the Disney Wonder cruise ship and were extremely fun and great sports even though the fishing was slow. Bob and Katrina from Texas came off the Celebrity Millinium and were a fantastic group that did everything right, unfortunately the fish just didn’t cooperate with our plans. Thanks guys and sorry it didn’t work out today!!!!!

June 4th 2011: Today was my last derby “day off” so Katie and I took our kids and went King Salmon Fishing from 8 am until 8 pm! As usual, Katie out-fished me by catching a fish roughly twice the size of mine, weighing in at just over 20 pounds. We had one other big King Salmon on today, but due to several unfortunate circumstances that happened at the same time, it escaped us.

20 Pound Ketchikan King SalmonKaties 20 Pound Ketchikan King Salmon

June 2nd 2011: Fishing has been pretty slow the last few days, but today we had Barbara and Gary from Michigan on the charter and Gary was lucky enough to score this beautiful King Salmon! We were all pretty excited since it was the only fish we saw caught during our 4 hour trip. It hit on a whole herring trolled behind an Abe and Al flasher at about 40 feet deep.

Ketchikan June King SalmonKetchikan June King Salmon

May 22 2011: Today we had a family day on the boat along with some of our friends from Oregon who came on the Disney Wonder Cruise Ship to Alaska. We fished for about 3 hours and the only action we had was passing another charter boat who was fighting a fish. Its been really slow fishing for King Salmon in Ketchikan lately, most of the boats I have talked to have only caught 1 or 2 fish so far out of a number of fishing trips. We are all looking forward to June King Salmon fishing when things really start to heat up!


May 20th 2011: This evening I was able to take my son Reuben out for a little late night fishing action from about 8 to 9 pm. It all seemed pretty slow so I was starting to pull the gear when one of the downrigger rods exploded and started peeling off line! After a couple of intense moments trying to fight the fish and net it myself, this was the result:

Reuben was really excited and so was I to see such a nice May King Salmon!

May King Salmon Fishig in Ketchikan AlaskaA Beautiful May King Salmon

May 20th 2011: Today we ran a halibut trip with a wonderful couple of people from Montana off the Island Princess in Ketchikan. I warned them that it was a little bit early still for halibut fishing but they really wanted to do it so we ran about 15 miles from Ketchikan and anchored on a 300 foot pinnacle that I have had some early season success on in past years. We ended up with 1 legal halibut (under 37 inches according to the new 2011 regulations) that was about 12 or 14 pounds and they had a good time learning how to halibut fish even though the fishing wasn’t too spectacular.

May 16 2011: We had quite the wet trip today with the Volz family from Phoenix but they were great sports! Lots of rain, some seals, bald eagles (of course, they are everywhere!) and some porpoises was what we saw today. We fished for 4 solid hours without a single bite and although that isn’t uncommon in May, it was still a little bit of a bummer. I talked to several other captains that were out today and unfortunately, they had the same report I did: some good wildlife but no fish. Hopefully in the very near future we will start to see some of the bigger numbers of King Salmon working their way in close to town so we can post more pictures!


May 12th 2011: Our charter was really great today, thanks Williams’ from New Zealand! As expected, the fishing was a little slow but we managed to find one nice King Salmon towards the end of the trip. We were also fortunate to see numerous bald-eagles and several Humpback whales putting on a show for us. Here is the catch of the day:

Doug Williams King Salmon - 2011Doug Williams King Salmon – 2011

May 10th 2011: I was able to sneak out tonight by myself and fish that last hour of light in the evening near Ketchikan Creek for King Salmon. I marked some really good fish on the fish-finder but wasn’t able to entice a strike during my short trip. The good news is that everything is working great and there is lots more salmon fishing in my immediate future! Thursday is our first charter and I anticipate a really great season catching lots of salmon and halibut in Ketchikan.


May 5th 2011: We successfully got the boat in the water today and I was happy that both engines fired right up with no problems. The new ICOM VHF radio works fabulously and the boat is 98% ready for Ketchikan King Salmon fishing! Today is rods, reels and downriggers and tomorrow is fishing! On another encouraging note, I have recently learned of 2 different 50+ pound King Salmon that have been caught within 20 miles of town! Its time to go salmon fishing!


May 1st 2011: A huge southeast storm has blown in bringing sustained winds of 25 to 35 knots with gusts to 45 knots and non-stop rain. It feels like its time to go fishing! Unfortunately, there will be no King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan in the next few days and I don’t expect any halibut fishing here in Ketchikan either. The best we can hope for is that this storm will lay down by the end of the week and we can get out and start putting some King Salmon blood on the decks.


April 20th 2011: The weather is noticeably changing from the dark rain and cold of winter to the slightly less cold and rainy spring time. Were getting patches of nice weather now and the reports of people catching King Salmon are beginning to be more frequent. The newly reconditioned props for the boat are back and ready to put on and we should be in the water salmon fishing in the next 2 days! I fully expect to have King Salmon blood on the deck within the next week!


April 18th 2011: Blue skies and calm waters in Ketchikan Alaska, combined with the recent herring spawn mean that the King Salmon are close by! A friend of a friend caught 3 yesterday, all over 20 lbs. at a spot about 15 miles from town! Its almost time for charter fishing for King Salmon, we’re all getting excited! All the local marine fish species have started feeding on the vast schools of herring that have arrived which only means 1 thing: its time to go fishing!


April 13th 2011: Today we got several major boat-chores done including removing several old boat systems that are not being used (old windlass, cb radio, etc.) and just doing some general boat maintenance. The weather has been horrid the last few days with lots of rain showers and winds gusting from 15-35 knots off and on. This afternoon I was relieved to see the clouds leave and the sun poke through, the oceans calmed and the fish started calling to me. The herring have been in close to town spawning which means there are also King Salmon starting to come in and feed on those herring, so we are hoping to be salmon fishing in Ketchikan very very soon. This is also a great time of year to halibut fish in Ketchikan as you can often find some good sized halibut in close to town.


April 12th 2011: We are currently doing all the last minute boat chores before we splash the Parker and start trolling for King Salmon in Ketchikan Alaska. This is an exciting time of year because I get to see the season coming together: were getting days booked, ordering supplies and getting ready for a great summer fishing for King Salmon, Silver Salmon and Pink Salmon. One of the big projects I’m working on right now is swapping the Cannon downriggers off the boat and putting on some Penn downriggers. I think it will be a good switch but we wont know for sure until we’ve trolled with them for 3 or 4 weeks and caught a few hundred pounds of salmon!


April 10th 2011: My wife Katie was gracious enough to help me touch up the copper paint on the bottom of the charter boat so we will be ready to get out and go salmon fishing very soon! As always, it was a sticky disgusting job and I was glad to have her help. I’m hoping that all the boat projects will be wrapped up here in the next 2 weeks and we will be in the water trolling for Salmon by the end of this month!