1/2 Day Trip
This trip is what the majority of our Ketchikan cruise ship passengers choose for their time in Ketchikan. This trip begins when we meet you at the ramp where you disembark from your “big-boat” to get on our “little-boat”. We generally meet you by holding a sign with your last name on it, and then we walk together down to the charter vessel. One of the really nice features of Ketchikan, is that we can literally park our boat a 2-3 minute walk from where we meet you which means that we will be underway within just a few short minutes of you getting off your ship. After our safety briefing, we will be underway immediately.
Ketchikan offers some phenomenal fishing very close to town, so generally it takes us between 15 and 30 minutes to reach the fishing grounds. On this trip we almost always fish by trolling with downriggers due to the time constraints and how easy it is for even inexperienced fishermen to pick up. We provide snacks and beverages as well as a heated cabin and spacious head (bathroom).
1/2 Day Trip: $200 per person ($800 minimum)
(907) 617-8031