June 3rd King Salmon Trip
June 8, 2012 Uncategorized

Today we fished HARD for 4 hours without a single bite! It was even more frustrating because due to our extreme tides lately, we had all kinds of seaweed and kelp in the water and I was clearing the lines almost non-stop for the whole trip. Just as a lesson to anyone who is coming here to King Salmon fish: we fished for 4 hours without a bite and everyone lost interest and quit watching the rods. As I started the main engine to warm up before we left, I heard a noise and when I turned around, one of the rods was bent over with line screaming off of it. We were super LUCKY and it didn’t get escape before we managed to get to the rod and the boys tag-teamed it in to the boat. It ended up being just shy of 30 pounds and was a really nice high note at the end of a hard trip. The lesson is, that its not over until its over!

Beautiful June King Salmon

A Beautiful and Lucky Fish!

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