Winter King Salmon 2014
November 24, 2014 Uncategorized

We have been out playing on the water trying to find Winter Kings quite a bit recently with some success. Here are the results of 4 fishing trips, approximately 12 hours of fishing time:

1 legal King to the boat (over 28 inches)

4 large shaker Kings to the boat (25-27 inches but just not quite big enough)

10+ small shaker Kings released

Here is the 1 legal fish we caught, I had my son Ian come pose with me for the photo:

King Salmon success!

Winter King Salmon fishing in Ketchikan Alaska


If you look at the numbers it probably makes no since to go out in the freezing cold weather and try to catch these fish but we do it because we love it and it is sooooooo much fun when you connect with a winter chromer. Most of our action each day was within a 30-45 minute window around tide change and one day we tried a spot that was somewhat of an unknown and we didn’t catch anything for the entire 5 hours we were out.


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