Early January Winter King Fishing
January 20, 2015 Uncategorized

Captain Clayton and I were able to get out for a few hours last Sunday and try to troll up a King Salmon. We fished for about 4 hours and ended up catching 2 Kings (both short and had to be released) 1 halibut and 1 Ling Cod (both out of season and had to be released)! It was super fun to catch them allĀ  and nothing beats getting out on the water on a sunny day in January!

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing

Fighting a small King in January

Ketchikan Salmon Fishing

Clayton fighting a small King in January

Ketchikan Halibut

Had to release this guy as it was out of season

Ling Cod in Ketchikan Alaska

This feisty little Ling Cod was really fun to see so close to town, he was released back to the deep

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